Tag Archives: social media

Birthday wishes

Yesterday was my birthday, and I was shocked and frankly a little offended that 3 of my closest friends posted ‘Happy Birthday!!” on my Facebook wall and that was it. Of course, I’m grateful they acknowledged my birthday, but at least shoot me a text. It was very faux pas.

Here’s my list of impersonal birthday wishes in the order of sucky:

  1. Happy birthday post on Facebook or other public social media
  2. Happy birthday message on Facebook or any social media
  3. Happy birthday text
  4. Happy birthday call
  5. Happy birthday in person
  6. Happy birthday in person with presents

Okay, obviously that last one is very rare. If you’re close with someone at least shoot them a text.

What to do??

Everywhere I go, everyone speaks of this ‘Pintrest‘. I first signed up for it a year ago and stared at it blankly. I really didn’t see the point of it, until recently when my friend said she started a Pintrest for her bridal party to exchange ideas. I am not part of the bridal shower, but once they couldn’t stop talking about how great it was, I began to ask myself, “Am I missing something?”

I decided to try it again and by golly, after I put some time in teaching myself the ropes, I began to fall truly, madly, deeply in love! I pinned everything from new recipes, funny memes, e-cards, DIY crafts and home remedies, decor, face masks, nail designs, yoga poses, you name it you can find it on Pintrest. Very excited!

SnapChat, I’m still confused about though haha